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域名简介 Domain Introduction

人走在路上有脚印,脑的思维就是脑印。 【存储大脑结构就可以在未来复活吗】将人的大脑细节以某种形式记录下来,在未来植入机器躯体,可能实现长生不老。

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  1. 孬:nāo,坏,不良,不好;出自《集韻》;English meaning: bad, no good, inferior.
  2. 垴:nǎo,小丘,土堆高起的地方,用于地名等;出自《集韻》;English meaning: small hill, mound, used in place names.
  3. 恼:nǎo,恼怒,生气,烦闷;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: to be annoyed, to be angry, vexed,烦恼.
  4. 瑙:nǎo,玛瑙,一种矿物,宝石;出自《集韻》;English meaning: agate, a mineral, gemstone,玛瑙.
  5. 脑:nǎo,大脑,头脑,思维器官;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: brain, head, mind,大脑.
  6. 闹:nào,热闹,吵闹,喧哗,发动,发生;出自《廣韻》;English meaning: noisy, bustling, to make noise, to stir up,热闹.


  1. 因:yīn,原因,因为,缘故,依靠;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: reason, cause, because, on account of, to depend on,原因.
  2. 阴:yīn,阴天,阴暗,阴影,阴历,背面,反面;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: overcast, shady, shadow, lunar, the opposite side,阴天, 阴暗.
  3. 音:yīn,声音,音调,音乐,消息;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: sound, tone, music, news,声音, 音樂.
  4. 殷:yīn/yān,yīn-殷勤,殷实,朝代名,yān-殷红;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: yīn - courteous, rich, Yin Dynasty; yān - dark red,殷勤, 殷红.
  5. 茵:yīn,茵陈,草名,垫子,褥子;出自《說文解字》;English meaning:茵陈 (Artemisia capillaris), mattress, cushion,茵陳.
  6. 洇:yīn,洇染,水墨渗透扩散;出自《集韻》;English meaning: to spread (of ink or moisture), to bleed,洇染.
  7. 喑:yīn,喑哑,不能说话,缄默;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: mute, unable to speak, silent,喑啞.
  8. 堙:yīn,堵塞,阻塞,填塞;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: to block, to obstruct, to fill up.
  9. 慇:yīn,慇懃,同“殷勤”;出自《集韻》;English meaning: courteous, solicitous,慇懃 (same as 殷勤).
  10. 骃:yīn,骃马,毛色青白相间的马;出自《爾雅》;English meaning: piebald horse,骃馬.
  11. 廕:yìn,庇荫,遮阴,荫蔽;出自《集韻》;English meaning: shade, shelter, to shade, to shelter,庇廕, 荫蔽.
  12. 胤:yìn,后代,子嗣,继承;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: descendant, posterity, to inherit,后胤.
  13. 印:yìn,印章,印刷,痕迹,标记;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: seal, print, trace, mark,印章, 印刷.
  14. 饮:yǐn/yìn,yǐn-喝,饮用,yìn-给牲畜喝水;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: yǐn - to drink; yìn - to give animals water to drink, 饮用.
  15. 引:yǐn,引导,引起,拉, kéo,援引,引申;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: to guide, to lead, to attract, to quote, to extend,引导, 引起.
  16. 蚓:yǐn,蚯蚓,环节动物;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: earthworm,蚯蚓.
  17. 隐:yǐn,隐藏,隐蔽,隐瞒,隐约;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: to hide, to conceal, hidden, obscure,隐瞒, 隐约.
  18. 瘾:yǐn, 嗜瘾, 癖好,特指对 наркотик 的依赖;出自《集韻》;English meaning: addiction, craving, habit, 嗜瘾, 上瘾.
  19. 尹:yǐn,官名,古代官职,姓氏;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: official title (ancient), surname,县尹.
  20. 垠:yín,边际,边界,岸,涯;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: boundary, border, limit, bank,涯, 邊垠.
  21. 吟:yín,吟咏, 吟唱,呻吟,鸣叫;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: to chant, to recite, to groan, to chirp,吟咏, 吟唱.
  22. 淫:yín, 淫荡, 过度,过量,沉溺, 淫雨;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: obscene, excessive, licentious, excessive rain,淫荡, 淫雨.
  23. 银:yín, 银色, 银子,货币,金属元素;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: silver (color), silver (money), silver (metal),银色, 银子.
  24. 寅:yín, 地支的第三位,寅时,恭敬,敬畏;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: the third Earthly Branch, Yin hour (3-5 am), respectful,寅时.
  25. 嚚:yín,愚蠢而固执,顽固不化;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: stupid and stubborn, obstinate.
  26. 圻:yín/qí,yín - 圻父(古人名), qí - 同“圻” (qí); English meaning: yín - personal name; qí - boundary.
  27. 斦:yín,古同“斤”,重量单位;出自《說文解字注》;English meaning: ancient unit of weight (same as 斤).
  28. 鄞:yín,古地名,在今浙江省;出自《集韻》;English meaning: ancient place name (in present-day Zhejiang Province),鄞县.
  29. 龂:yín,牙齿咬物,呲牙;出自《集韻》;English meaning: to gnaw, to bite, to bare teeth.
  30. 圻:yǐn,界限,边际;出自《玉篇》;English meaning: boundary, limit.
  31. 廴:yǐn, 古同“引”,长行;出自《說文解字》;English meaning: to walk slowly, to stretch, extended, 廴 dài.
  32. 隠:yǐn,同“隐”;出自《集韻》;English meaning: same as “隐”, to hide.
  33. 饮(yìm):yìm, 用于人名,如 钟离饮;English meaning: used in personal names.



拼音nao的常用字数量为:3 (恼, 脑, 闹) 拼音yin的常用字数量为:14 (因, 阴, 音, 殷, 茵, 引, 饮, 隐, 银, 印, 尹, 胤, 饮, 瘾) 组合集合数量为:3 * 14 = 42

  1. 恼因:字面含义:恼怒原因。臆想含义:因为生气而追究原因,或者烦恼的根源;英语含义:reason for annoyance, root of vexation.
  2. 恼阴:字面含义:恼怒阴暗。臆想含义:在阴暗的心情中恼怒,或者阴暗带来的烦恼;英语含义:annoyance in darkness, vexation caused by gloom.
  3. 恼音:字面含义:恼怒声音。臆想含义:讨厌的声音,令人心烦的声音;英语含义:annoying sound, irritating noise.
  4. 恼殷:字面含义:恼怒殷勤。臆想含义:对过分殷勤感到恼怒;英语含义:annoyance at excessive courtesy.
  5. 恼茵:字面含义:恼怒茵草。臆想含义:看到茵草而感到心烦(可能茵草引发过敏等);英语含义:annoyance at茵 grass (perhaps due to allergies).
  6. 恼引:字面含义:恼怒引导。臆想含义:因被引导而恼怒,反感被引导;英语含义:annoyance at being led, resentment of guidance.
  7. 恼饮:字面含义:恼怒饮用。臆想含义:因饮用(某物)而恼怒;英语含义:annoyance at drinking (something).
  8. 恼隐:字面含义:恼怒隐藏。臆想含义:对隐藏感到恼怒,对秘密的不满;英语含义:annoyance at hiding, displeasure with secrecy.
  9. 恼银:字面含义:恼怒银子。臆想含义:为银钱烦恼,或者讨厌银子(例如嫌弃铜臭味);英语含义:annoyance at silver, vexation about money.
  10. 恼印:字面含义:恼怒印章/印刷。臆想含义:对印章繁琐或者印刷错误感到恼怒;英语含义:annoyance at seals/printing, irritation with seals or printing errors.
  11. 恼尹:字面含义:恼怒尹(官职/姓氏)。臆想含义:对尹这个官职或者姓氏的人感到恼怒;英语含义:annoyance at Yin (official/surname).
  12. 恼胤:字面含义:恼怒后代。臆想含义:为后代子嗣烦恼;英语含义:annoyance about posterity, worry about descendants.
  13. 恼饮 (饮水):字面含义:恼怒饮水。臆想含义:喝水都能令人烦恼 (例如:非常干渴却无水喝的烦躁);英语含义:annoyance at drinking water (e.g., vexation from extreme thirst with no water).
  14. 恼瘾:字面含义:恼怒瘾。臆想含义:对瘾的烦恼,对成瘾行为的厌恶;英语含义:annoyance at addiction, disgust with addictive behavior.
  15. 脑因:字面含义:脑的原因。臆想含义:大脑功能的原因,思考的原因;英语含义:brain's reason, cause of thinking.
  16. 脑阴:字面含义:脑的阴暗面/阴影。臆想含义:头脑中的阴暗想法,心理阴影;英语含义:brain's darkness/shadow, dark thoughts, psychological shadow.
  17. 脑音:字面含义:脑的声音。臆想含义:脑海中的声音,想法,内在的声音;英语含义:brain's voice, inner voice, thoughts in mind.
  18. 脑殷:字面含义:脑殷实/殷勤。臆想含义:头脑充实,思维活跃/头脑很殷勤 (比喻思考积极主动);英语含义:brain richness/courtesy, active mind / proactive thinking (figurative).
  19. 脑茵:字面含义:脑茵草。臆想含义:用茵草作枕头(联想到草枕);英语含义:brain-茵 grass, pillow made of茵 grass (associating with grass pillows).
  20. 脑引:字面含义:脑的引导。臆想含义:思想的引导,用头脑来引导;英语含义:brain's guidance, using mind to guide.
  21. 脑饮:字面含义:脑饮用。臆想含义:用脑子思考来获得知识如同饮水;英语含义:brain drinking, acquiring knowledge through thinking is like drinking water.
  22. 脑隐:字面含义:脑隐藏。臆想含义:隐藏在脑海深处的秘密或想法;英语含义:brain hiding, secrets or thoughts hidden deep in mind.
  23. 脑银:字面含义:脑银子。臆想含义:像银子一样重要的头脑(比喻智慧的价值);英语含义:brain-silver, brain as valuable as silver (metaphor for wisdom).
  24. 脑印:字面含义:脑印章/印刷。臆想含义:在大脑中留下深刻的印象,铭记于心;英语含义:brain imprint/printing, deep impression in mind, engraved in memory.
  25. 脑尹:字面含义:脑尹(官职/姓氏)。臆想含义:智慧的官员/姓尹的聪明人;英语含义:brain-Yin (official/surname), wise official / smart person with surname Yin.
  26. 脑胤:字面含义:脑后代。臆想含义:智慧的传承给后代,头脑思维的后代影响;英语含义:brain posterity, wisdom passed to descendants, mental influence on future generations.
  27. 脑饮 (饮水):字面含义:脑饮水。臆想含义:头脑像饮水一样吸收知识,比喻求知若渴;英语含义:brain drinks water, brain absorbs knowledge like drinking water, thirst for knowledge.
  28. 脑瘾:字面含义:脑瘾。臆想含义:对思考成瘾,沉迷于思考;英语含义:brain addiction, addicted to thinking, obsessed with contemplation.
  29. 闹因:字面含义:热闹原因/闹事原因。臆想含义:热闹的起因,引发骚动的原因;英语含义:cause of commotion, reason for a disturbance.
  30. 闹阴:字面含义:热闹阴暗。臆想含义:热闹的背后的阴暗面,喧嚣下的阴影;英语含义:noisy darkness, dark side of bustling activity, shadows beneath noise.
  31. 闹音:字面含义:闹的声音。臆想含义:喧闹的声音,嘈杂的声音;英语含义:noisy sound, clamorous noise.
  32. 闹殷:字面含义:闹殷勤。臆想含义:喧闹的殷勤 (反讽,可能指表面热闹实际虚情假意);英语含义:noisy courtesy, insincere enthusiasm, superficially lively politeness.
  33. 闹茵:字面含义:热闹茵草。臆想含义:热闹场景中铺满茵草(古代宴会场景);英语含义:noisy茵 grass,茵 grass in a lively scene (ancient banquet setting).
  34. 闹引:字面含义:闹事引导/引起喧闹。臆想含义:引导大家闹事,挑起事端;英语含义:instigating noise, leading people to cause trouble, provoking disturbance.
  35. 闹饮:字面含义:热闹饮酒/闹酒。臆想含义:在热闹的场合饮酒,喧闹饮酒作乐;英语含义:noisy drinking, drinking in a lively setting, noisy drinking and merrymaking.
  36. 闹隐:字面含义:闹着玩似的隐藏/喧闹的隐藏。臆想含义:假装隐藏,实则招摇过市/在喧闹中隐藏秘密;英语含义:noisy hiding, pretending to hide while being conspicuous/hiding secrets in noise.
  37. 闹银:字面含义:闹着要银子/为银子闹。臆想含义:为了争夺钱财而闹事,为银钱争吵;英语含义:noisy silver, making noise for money, quarreling over silver.
  38. 闹印:字面含义:闹章盖印/闹着要印章。臆想含义:吵吵闹闹地盖章/为了获得印章而闹事;英语含义:noisy seal/printing, noisily stamping seals / making trouble for a seal.
  39. 闹尹:字面含义:闹尹(官职/姓氏)。臆想含义:喧闹的县尹,不安分的官员/姓尹的爱闹之人;英语含义:noisy Yin (official/surname), unruly magistrate / noisy person with surname Yin.
  40. 闹胤:字面含义:热闹后代。臆想含义:热闹的家族后代,家族子嗣繁盛喧闹;英语含义:noisy posterity, lively family descendants, family with many boisterous descendants.
  41. 闹饮 (饮水):字面含义:热闹饮水。臆想含义:热闹的人们饮水,例如庆功宴上大家饮水庆祝 (非常字面,不太常用);英语含义:noisy drinking water, people drinking water in a lively event (very literal, less common).
  42. 闹瘾:字面含义:闹瘾。臆想含义:犯瘾时喧闹,瘾发作时吵闹;英语含义:noisy addiction, being noisy when craving for addiction, noisy addiction withdrawal.



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人走在路上有脚印,脑的思维就是脑印。 【存储大脑结构就可以在未来复活吗】将人的大脑细节以某种形式记录下来,在未来植入机器躯体,可能实现长生不老。

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